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More events occur in patients with normal or mildly abnormal functional tests, as shown by latest analysis of PROMISE study.
Calcium score of aortic valve is now included as part of evaluation of stenosis severity in the new European guidelines (1).
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) publishes recommendations regarding the main quantitative information on cardiac structure and function in standard echo report (1).
UK NICE guidance recommends CT coronary angiography for diagnosis of CAD in patients with atypical or typical angina in its 2016 update of CG95 (Chest pain of recent onset: assessment and diagnosis).
ASE & EACVI publish an update for echocardiographic assessment of LV diastolic function presenting with symptoms of dyspnea or heart failure.
Meta-analysis of prognostic studies shows increased rate of SCD with increasing LGE in patients with HCM after adjusting for other factors.
Prospective multicentre trial aimed to investigate the use of CT coronary angiogram compared to standard care in patients with stable chest pain in terms of its affect on diagnosis, management and outcome of patients.
SCCT brings out its new updated guidelines on interpretation and reporting of coronary CT angiography - a helpful guide for all those involved in cardiac CT reporting.